RCC-GIS offers training and workshops on a variety of topics relevant to spatial analytics, GIS software, spatial statistics, and spatial data mining.
RCC-GIS distributes and supports various GIS software platforms for analytics and map creation on a personal computer or in a server-based environment.
Locating, cleaning, and utilizing spatial data can be challenging. RCC-GIS helps users accomplish these tasks with various strategies and tools.

RCC-GIS enables the integration of spatial analysis with any discipline using location-based data from economics to agriculture and archaeology to medicine.


Welcome to the University of Chicago’s Research Computing Center (RCC) for Geographic Information Science (GIS). At UChicago, we’re leading the charge in integrating AI, and GIScience. Our focus is on advancing data- and computing-intensive GIScience through interdisciplinary research in geospatial big data analytics, spatial computing, geospatial AI (GeoAI), and cyberGIS.

RCC-GIS is dedicated to supporting interdisciplinary research and education for UChicago users interested in incorporating GIS methods and software into their work. Spatial analysis research tools benefit any discipline using location-based data. RCC-GIS offers many services to the UChicago community, such as: cartography, data mining and transformation, spatial statistics, GIS desktop software, and high-performance computing solutions.

RCC-GIS also offers complimentary workshops and bootcamp courses on cutting-edge GIS methods and software. These courses allow UChicago researchers to independently overcome challenges associated with location-based data.